These are the languages ​​that are gaining ground to English when looking for a job

English is and continues to be the language that opens the most doors at the workplace in Spain, but it has competitors who, although little by little, are gaining more and more ground.

That is the conclusion drawn by an analysis of Infojobs that has evaluated the language requirements with the most presence in the job offers of your platform.

According to the data recorded by the platform, 17.1% of the more than 1.5 million job openings posted in 2020 they requested English to access the job. The data is two percentage points lower than that registered in 2019 (19.3%). In addition, so far in 2021, the percentage of vacancies on the platform that request English is 15.8%.

French and Chinese, the fastest growing languages ​​when looking for a job

On the contrary, French and Chinese have been gaining greater importance in the professional scene in recent years, despite the pandemic and the effect it has had on aspects such as tourism. In 2018, 2.6% of the vacancies published on the platform required French. In 2019, this percentage was 3.2%; and last year 4.2%; while so far in 2021 the percentage rises to 4.5%.

Regarding the Chinese, something similar happens. In 2018, only 0.1% of the vacancies in InfoJobs requested this language, compared to 0.3% in 2019 and 1.2% last year. This 2021, the percentage of jobs that require Chinese is 0.8%.

Finally, German is another of the most relevant languages ​​in the Spanish labor market. In 2018, 3.5% of the jobs offered in InfoJobs requested this language. In 2019, the percentage grew to 4%; but last year it fell to 3.7% and this 2021 it is 3.4%.

Balearic Islands, Madrid and Catalonia, in the lead in vacancy with English

Regarding the autonomous communities with the highest percentage of vacancies in which English is included as a requirement in In 2021, the Balearic Islands (22%), Catalonia and Madrid (both with 21%) stand out.

The presence of the first is explained by the international tourism factor (according to data from the Tourist Expenditure Survey (Egatur) and the Statistics of Tourist Movements on Borders (Frontur), only in June of this year, and despite the pandemic, the Community received 656,000 foreign tourists).

Finally, if we refer to the employment specialties that demand the most English in our country, international law, regulatory affairs and consultants are those that occupy the first three positions in the ranking.
