The youth football coordinator, accused of sexual abuse

Albert Benaiges, coordinator of Barcelona’s grassroots football until last week when he resigned for personal reasons, He is allegedly involved in a case of sexual abuse of minors that occurred over the course of more than 20 years, as the newspaper Ara discovers in an extensive report.

In the information in this newspaper, which has compiled testimonies from more than 60 former Benaiges students when he worked as a Physical Education teacher In the Escola Barcelona in the neighborhood of Les Corts, abuse, humiliation and touching of minors by Benaiges are detailed. Last Friday, one of the girls already filed a complaint with the police and it is expected that next Monday several more students will file complaints.

According to the testimonies of former students, Benaiges masturbated with them while watching pornographic films, forced the boys and girls into his office while he was naked, touched them or humiliated them by exposing them naked to their peers when they were between 12 and 13 years old. Benaiges, who contributes his testimony to the report, affirms that he does not believe that he did anything wrong, but that he would not repeat what he did.