The XVII Puig Vela Clàssica marks a milestone in world sailing


The XVII Puig Vela Clássica brought together the most important categories of this long nautical tradition in Barcelona this Thursday in one place: the 12 Metres, the P Class and the 15 Metres, becoming a kind of floating museum with yachts from the 19th and 20th centuries.

“The elite of the elite of classic sailing boats” is in Barcelona “with unique models” that “can only be enjoyed in this regatta,” the organization said in a press release. “The legendary P Class boats were created in 1903 and only four of them are currently sailing: the Chips, Corinthian, Joyant and Olimpian,” the same text stated.

Regarding the 15 Metre class, which was created in 1909, the note indicated that “there are also only four boats left, one of them out of service.” “The three that are still afloat, The Lady Anny, Mariska and Tuiga, have also been brought together to compete in this Puig Vela Clássica,” the text added.

“As for the legendary 12 metres, which are visiting the Barcelona event for the second time after competing for the world title in 2014, they provide a nostalgic contrast to the legendary America’s Cup of the 1960s and 1980s, when during the races sails were changed, spinnakers were hoisted, everything was manually operated and the match races, boat against boat, offered epic moments,” the note stressed.

The start of the fleet was delayed due to the significant and slow wind shift due to the transition from the night land wind to the Southeast. Finally, the fleets of Classics, Crab and Marconi Period, Big Boats, IOR Classics and Modern Classics began their race on a coastal course with the first buoy located in front of Premiá de Mar.

This competition is part of the official calendar of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation (RFEV) and counts towards the II CIM International Championship (International Committee of the Mediterranean), as well as towards the XIII Mare Nostrum Trophy – Spanish Cup for Classic Boats.