The women’s team defeats Australia and approaches the quarterfinals of the Chair Basket World Cup


The Spanish women’s team took a big step to qualify for the quarterfinals of the Wheelchair Basketball World Cup that is taking place in Dubai after adding their second victory on Tuesday by defeating Australia 52-60.

Spain is taking the pulse of a championship, where they will finally have a breather in the form of a rest since after playing their fourth game in four days, they will not do it again until Friday when they face Brazil in their last duel of the group stage where they could even aim for a good final position as Canada defeated Great Britain and pushed everything a little more.

After adding their first victory this Monday by beating Canada 70-65, the team led by Franck Belen balanced their record of victories and defeats with their second victory, achieved with more authority than the one 24 hours earlier after a clash that almost he always dominated and where his defensive work was once again key.

Beatriz Zudaire, author of 17 points and 7 assists, and Isabel López, who scored the same amount, but added rebounding double figures (10), were the leaders of a team that remade itself to the best Australian start (13-8) for, from there, no more losing the lead on the scoreboard.

Spain came from behind and reached halftime ahead (25-31), a dominance that they not only knew how to maintain but also managed to stretch over ten points after a solid start to the third quarter. The national team kept the lead above ten points ahead and never let it drop below eight, living a quieter end to the match.