Finally. The Women’s Professional Soccer League is now a reality. The CSD -Higher Sports Council- has announced this morning that the Board of Directors has approved the Statutes of the Professional Women’s Soccer League (LPFF) after eight months of intense negotiations with the clubs.
There is already total agreement and the competition, the first Spanish professional women’s competition that intends to pave the way for other sports, already has the green light and will come into effect from next season. This implies an important step forward for this sport, immersed in an unprecedented boom.
The next step will be the immediate call for elections to the presidency, a position for which former Athletic Club player Ainhoa Tirapu has already submitted a candidacy and to which Maria Teixidor, Maria Tato and Ana Muñoz also aspire, as has been known through some leaks.
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There are several pending issues such as the sale of commercial rights and audiovisual rights. It should be noted that for now, after the goodbye of Mediapro, there is no operator that broadcasts the Primera Iberdrola matches on TV, a void that hopes to be filled for next season.
The president of Atlético Women, Lola Romero, He gave “thanks to the Government, the Federation, the players. We have a responsibility: we are showing the way of what the women’s sport of the future can be. We go hand in hand.”
For his part, the president of the CSD Jose Manuel Franco He assured that “meeting in the Board of Directors, we have just approved the statutes of the women’s professional soccer league. Unanimously. Many months of work, from everyone, to reach this exciting moment. Congratulations to our players”. And she added that “today we make history and pay off a debt: the women’s professional soccer league is now a reality”.
The CSD already announced on June 15, 2021 that this professional League was going to be given the green light, which has taken longer than expected but is finally a reality.
To all this, the CSD has already announced that it is going to invest 15 million euros in the first three years destined for the infrastructure and start-up of the League itself.