The woman who denounced Dani Alves recants and now wants compensation of 150,000 euros

New twist in the case of the former FC Barcelona footballer, who entered preventive detention (in Brians II) last January for an alleged crime of sexual assault. The plaintiff, a 23-year-old girl, waived compensation to reinforce her arguments and motivations, but now she regrets it and has asked the judge for compensation. 150,000 euros requested by the Prosecutor’s Office.

The lawyer of the alleged victim states in the document, advanced by The vanguardthat his client was not aware of the consequences that the crime “would have on his health” and reveals that He is going through a depressive process for which he is receiving treatment. The plaintiff is indefinite medical leave and he cannot, furthermore, pay for the services of his lawyers.

The judge investigating the case, Concepción Cantón, has accepted the revocation of the waiver of compensation and has ordered that the 150,000 euros requested by the Prosecutor’s Office in damages be delivered to the alleged victim and that Dani Alves He was admitted a few weeks ago, a fact that his lawyers used, in turn, to prove an “intention to repair the damage” in order to reduce a possible sentence.

A possible agreement

Dani Alves’ defense has two objectives: to obtain conditional release for the footballer (which has already been denied four times) and to avoid trial. For months, lawyers have been trying to reach an agreement with the plaintiff but, so far, the talks have not come to a successful conclusion.

However, there is still time: “No one wants this trial to be held,” said journalist Mayka Navarro, one of those closest to the case. “No one is sure if this trial will be held, I would risk saying that they could reach a prior agreement. Because it is not going to be an easy trial for anyone, not even for her.”