The minutes of applause, many, were few for those deserved by the immense filmmaker from Huesca, who died on the eve of the gala at the age of 91. Carmen Maurawho was not in the tribute that the Feroz gave days ago to another cinema genius, Pedro Almodovartook the stage to open the night remembering the director of Hey Carmela!the masterpiece that won eleven Goyas in 1990, including those of Andres PajaresCarmen Maura herself as best actress and actor, in addition to Best Director for Remains.
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One of the sons of the Aragonese filmmaker briefly reviewed the artist’s life, relating his creative stages to the women in his life. his widow, Eulalia Ramonthen took the floor to read the speech that her husband had left written and thank the hospital team where they gave her attention.

Then he demanded that public health be treated as well as Carlos Saura has been treated: “To whom it may concern”, he finished before the audience in which they were present feijóo y Pedro Sanchezamong other authorities. A beautiful summary video with the wonderful filmography of Saura and a performance with the version of the Because you are leavingby Jeanette (which sounds in Breeding ravens), completed the tribute to the enormous deceased artist, which has occupied almost the first half hour of the evening.
Impossible not to get excited, nerves on the surface and crying contained. Carlos Saura’s widow, Eulalia Ramón, read the thank you letter written by her sentimental partner when she saw that her life was leaving her and that she surely could not collect the Goya for a lifetime.

I do not ask to hold back the tears, by his side, Ana, the filmmaker’s only daughter (who had six boys) who also dedicated some endearing words to her father. Eulalia, or Laly, as the intimates know her, grabbed the statuette and looking at the sky, she stated emphatically, “Carlos, I know you’re seeing me from wherever you are.”
In the room, many of those present were not able to hold their tears either, as was the case with Fernando Méndez Leite, current president of the Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences, or the actress Carmen Machi.
This year’s Goya gala was a continuous tribute to the filmmaker who died last Friday. For one day he could not be present to enjoy such a special day in his life.