The war begins between Jacobo Ostos and Mery for his alleged infidelity: “It will remain on the conscience of each one”

A week ago, Mary Jim I went from looking for a wedding dress to crying my eyes out. The model is devastated after her breakup with Jacobo Ostosjust a month after getting engaged to the son of Mari Ángeles Grajal. A courtship that came to an end due to the model’s refusal to accept the open relationships that she wanted to maintain with her son. Jaime Ostos: “At first I accepted and after five months they are already weighing. There have been few girls, no more than five. I have never clearly had fun,” the model confessed. However, rumors pointed to an alleged infidelity between Jacobo and Mery.

Has been Beatriz Cortazar who has given the last minute on the details of the breakup of Jacobo Ostos and Mery Jim and the rumors of an alleged infidelity of the DJ: “Jacobo is very angry”said the talk show host to convey the young man’s message. “What it tells me is that in the relationship he had with Mery there is no room for lies or infidelity”Cortázar shared about Jacobo, who flatly denied the existence of a third person in the breakup with the model. “She knew at all times what there was. They are poisoning everything and they even made up the girls’ names,” he added. “In short, everything they have leaked is a lie,” Cortázar insisted after speaking with the protagonist, who has tried to defend himself against these latest accusations. “He hasn’t been unfaithful and he doesn’t want to get back with Mery because he’s not interested in a closed relationship. What’s more, at this point he doesn’t even want a girlfriend.”the collaborator has stated.

According to Jacobo, the messages that came to light about the alleged infidelity correspond to a long night of partying that ended in breakfast with those friends in the conversation. However, Jaime Ostos’ son has assured that he left them at her house and that Mery was “deceived.” A party to which the model would be invited, as reported by Beatriz Cortázar.

The model, for her part, has responded to her ex-boyfriend’s version: “I don’t put my hand in the fire for anyone, but I don’t guarantee it either because I haven’t seen it. So I believe that everything remains in each person’s conscience.”Mery has expressed.
