The unusual “I know who you are!” that Queen Sofia released Corinna (according to the German’s podcast)

The desire for revenge Corinna Larsen knows no limits. With the fan strategy in hand, for everything to expand, The German businesswoman lashes out in her new episode of the podcast series against Queen Sofia.

Larsen cites in his story, half fabled, half fictionalized, that one day he visited the Palacio de la Zarzuela with some friends and the King Juan Carlos offered to give him a home tour. Apparently, the German says that she was able to access some rooms that were closed to her staff. No one could enter. “It had an electronic door so that Sofia or anyone from her team would not pass through,” says the protagonist of the sound series; and she adds that the restriction was “to avoid being spied on”.

During the tour, always according to the businesswoman’s version, Queen Sofía entered the room “with an angry face” and looking at her said an unusual “I know who you are”. The king, who was watching the scene, was “stunned, bewildered and unable to cope with the situation”. An unnecessary episode in the middle of a story in which he discredits and discredits everyone he mentions. In this case, he charged against Doña Sofía. Her roadmap is to harm out of sheer revenge.

The narrator also tells that the former head of state had another parallel relationship with Sol Bacharach, while she spent eight months absent dedicated to the care of her father. Bacharach, a Valencian businesswoman, was the widow of Law professor Manuel Broseta, who was assassinated by the ETA gang in 1992. In the podcast, the description of “womanizer” is not lacking for Juan Carlos I, who likes “women accessories, objects of fantasy and passion”. And ditch with a resounding: “He did not have a double life, but a fivefold life.”