The underwear of a company called Boda de Tamara Falcó SA: when business matters more than love

The collective subconscious often forgets that Tamara Falco she is not a young girl: in November, already converted into a married woman, the third daughter of Carlos Falco, the fourth of Isabella Preysler. She doesn’t seem like a person especially prepared to speak in public when we listen to her speak in public, with her rhetoric full of tics, compulsively repeating expressions like “that is”. However, this entrepreneur of herself, whose product is she, was formed to communicate and sell. She studied in Massachusetts, United States, since she was a teenager, and there she continued her degree in Communication at Lake Forest College. After doing internships in Zara, trained in fashion at the Marangoni Institute in Milan, Italy. He also did a master’s degree in Visual Merchandising at the University of Navarre.

She had in her favor a comfortable economic position that allowed her parents to choose where to instruct her to be who she is. But above all, and this is the differentiating element of her, with enormous personal and family relationships, thanks to her media and social pedigree, difficult to overcome: daughter of the Marquis of Griñón and of Elizabeth Preysler, an exceptional teacher to build a media heiress, a money making machine with her image without really being anything professionally: Tamara does not fight or sing or play tennis or soccer, she is not an eminence in medicine or art, or a movie star.

It is true that he is a television star, but the cause and effect is important: after several minor dalliances, he came to Masterchef (to win it) because it was who he was, and not the other way around. It’s in the anthill because he is who he is and not the other way around. The same can be said of his documentary on Netflix. Tamara is the image of important brands and good payers because she is who she is. But the reality is that it works and generates good audience returns; that is, it attracts the public. Saving distances, Tamara Falco is a bethlehem esteban high end. The ex of Jesulín de Ubrique raised the audimeters being a princess of the neighborhood, of the town, they said, but the marquise has the added value that she is aristocratic, chic, a bargain for the brands, who raffle her off even under the castle of media cards that builds his world and his character there is no talent or what happens to him affects our mortgage or influences our lives at all. But, as one of the creators of the deceased would say Save meprovides entertainment, evasion and those expendable things.

your wedding with Inigo Onieva is, for the moment, the zenith of this huge business but it is foreseeable that the party will continue with honeymoons, children and, according to many, marital crisis with her hummingbird husband or a divorce that could be worth as much as the wedding. The play can be repeated because breaking up and reconciling has been very profitable for them. After all, Liz Taylor y Richard Burton they were married and divorced twice. In Onieva and Tamara we do not perceive the animal passion of the actress of Cleopatra and Welsh but that’s the least of it.

Beyond love, be it God or her fiancé, the business of Tamara SA consists of selling their own experiences. Actually, Tamara’s merit is that: but also, she is the half-sister of a world star like Enrique Iglesias, she counts as a differentiating element, with her unbeatable pedigree. That allows you to sell everything. At this Saturday’s wedding, the champagne is not only given as a gift, but the brand has paid to be there so that it can be seen in Hola what did they drink in the sarao of the summer.

Let’s not talk about Carolina Herrera’s dress, or about the whole story that dragged on that other drama created around those who were chosen as the first option to disguise the protagonist of all this little theater as a bride. Several times the bride has traveled to New York, headquarters of the firm and workplace of Wes Gordon: the creative director who has been personally in charge of designing the models that we will see after Tamara’s scuffle with Sophie and Voila.

Magazine Hola He not only pays a fortune for the exclusive of the wedding, which will undoubtedly be more than profitable, but he markets everything he can around the business. Apart from swelling to sell copies, other business windows surround the link and many of them revolve around trademarks and rights.

Much more than a million euros

It has been said that the mobile phones of the guests will be confiscated to prevent them from spreading photos stolen by the groups of whatsapp or other social networks. It talks about one million euros cash for the Marquise de Griñón and her consort but no one has been able to confirm this figure with a minimum of rigor and, in addition, there is a part of the business that is variable, because sources of all solvency filter us that include clauses such as the net sale of magazines (data that will be known in several months) or the subsequent pack, with honeymoon and whatever arises.

They also ensure that the families of the spouses do not participate in this orgy of checks. We believe that the godmother, Carolina Molas, rejects any offer but it is difficult for us to accept that the queen of exclusives, that is, Isabel Presyler, resist collecting his share of the harvest. For now, the mother of the bride will be dressed in her daughter’s brand and her friend Carolina Herrera has been able to thank her. the ex of Vargas Llosa will look in addition to the model of the maison Venezuelan other brands of jewelry (Rabat) and other accessories and Hola will take note. That is paid separately.

But not only the boyfriends and the Filipina are on the payroll of the publication and certain brands: Ana Boyer will get paid one way or another after announcing that he will wear a suit designed by his sister for Pedro del Hierro, and also jeweled by Rabat, of course.

Men are not spared from the mercantilist fervor that gives meaning to this wedding. The morning suits, ties, shoes and other elements of the model that Onieva will wear (directed by Isabel Preysler’s stylist, Cristina Reyes) are also part of the money and sponsorship hype.

All this bodon, and the pre-wedding and subsequent brunch at the Ritz, is organized by the brand of Wedding Planner and events A-typical: more than 400 people, wedding list (gifts from 150 euros, with bank account number), rich catering for the immense Eneko Atxa (in front of 250 people) and his gastronomic experience, with so many Michelin stars, the orchestras, the decoration of the interior designer Ramiro Jofre, tents, portable toilets, arrangement of the El Rincón palace, and all those things that we have already been telling for the first time. from this digital Everything will be compensated or paid Hola and the brands: that is, the readers who buy the magazine, the advertisers who are on the pages and on the web, etc.

The engagement ring for the bride from the Italian firm Repossi, bought by Onieva or her family, was not paid for, nor was the famous tiara that she will wear on July 8 Tamara Falcoloaned by Amparo Corsini, his sister-in-law, his brother Manolo’s wife. But she will wear earrings All, signature of which it is image, with Eugenia Martinez de Irujo among the illustrious guests, so close to the Catalan firm.
