The U-16 women’s basketball team wins the bronze medal at the European Championship


The Spanish women’s U-16 team won the bronze medal this Saturday at the European Championships held in the Hungarian town of Miskolc by clearly beating Italy in the match for third and fourth place by 38-80.

Spain dominated the game from start to finish and gave the Italians little chance, beating them 24-1 in the final quarter. Chelsea Dike, with 16 points and eight rebounds, and Ariadna Díaz, with 15 and 8, were the most outstanding players in the victory.

“This bronze medal puts the icing on the cake of a very good summer for the Youth categories of Spanish basketball. With third place, we have managed to be on the podium in five of the eight championships contested, and although it is true that we have not won any titles this year, at the FEB we are very proud of the competitiveness shown by our teams,” celebrated Elisa Aguilar, president of the Spanish Basketball Federation.

The leader recalled that in these categories “the most important thing is the development of the players”, but that the different national teams have shown that they continue to treasure the “most important value” of Spanish basketball, which is “the competitive DNA”.

“They have time to continue to develop, and I am sure they will, but they have already incorporated that something that will make them an example on the court and fight for the most important titles in the higher categories. It is time for these players to rest, and for the Federation to continue working so that they find in our national teams the necessary conditions to continue growing,” she concluded.