The two offers that Barça values ​​to sponsor the shirt

The sponsorship and marketing area of ​​Barça is trying to close an agreement with which it will be the main sponsor of the shirt. The club handles several offers, including the one of Rakuten, which ends in June 2022, but the two that would be most worked and advanced would be Binance y FTX, two companies related to the cryptocurrency sector, although they could be to promote another type of product, as MD has learned.

The first is based in Malta, launched its service in 2017 and offers the possibility of buying and selling more than 76 cryptocurrencies, among other services. FTX is in Antigua and Barbuda, it launched its service in 2019 and gives the option to buy and sell more than 42 cryptocurrencies. Binance already included Andrés Iniesta in an ‘influencers’ campaign along with other players, including Luis Suarez. The EFE agency explained weeks ago that Barça had rejected a proposal from an online courses company based in India and another from cryptocurrencies from the Middle East.

With Rakuten contacts have been maintained with senior executives of the company Hiroshi Mikitani. It happens that Barça wants to enter about 60 million euros, also counting the variables, which would be to return to the statuts it had before the pandemic. The Japanese would have refused to reach this amount. Barça has already completed the negotiation with an advertiser for the sleeve of the first team jersey, Chiliz and his NFT project called, as this newspaper advanced, but the club has not made it official despite having given the OK.

The CEO Ferran reversed recently explained that the club is in negotiations with Rakuten “And we also have other candidates for both the ‘title rights’ and the shirt.” The economic vice president Eduard Romeu also assured, days later, that the entity’s objective is to double current income and reach 1,500 million in turnover in the next five years. For this, the shirt acquires great relevance and put a price on it, which must exceed 55 million euros from the initial agreement with the previous brand. “We don’t look at the current value, if not at the pre (pandemic). Whoever wants to wear the name on the shirt has to pay for it, “he explained in a statement on TV3.

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