The ‘tug of war’ between Terelu Campos and her daughter, Alejandra Rubio: euros, euros, dubidú!

The sweet wait of Alejandra Rubiohalfway through her pregnancy, is encountering some bitter tastes. The relationship with her mother is not going through its best moment. The reason? Money. Mother and daughter have made juicy exclusives at the expense of the future Campos baby and it seems that they cannot agree on the distribution of the checks: “The latest exclusives have been a tug-of-war between mother and daughter.”

This has been revealed by Gema López, who assures that the relationship is very tense between the two since the delicate economic situation of Terel has led her to ask her daughter for 20% of what she received for the exclusive of Hello in which she announced her pregnancy. Money that, it must be remembered, Alejandra must also share with Charles CostanzaThe young woman allegedly refused, arguing that her mother had already charged for her own interview three days later in From Fridayand they have not yet reached an agreement: “Alejandra is very outspoken, she is not politically correct and wants to do things her way”Gema said.

The rumours have been gaining strength in recent days and Terelu took advantage of the mass for the first anniversary of her mother’s death in Malaga to deny them: “It’s absurd, really.”

However, the voices are not silent: “It is obvious that she is not going to tell anyone. Terelu gives a public face and then there is a mother who suffers in silence. The relationship with her daughter is not the one that she is forced to publicly portray,” Kiko Matamoros also said. “She did not understand this pregnancy. It was absolutely violent and very fast because she understands that her daughter has committed a kind of youthful folly, which will have a price and a cost for her entire life, it is to bear a responsibility for which her daughter is not prepared.”
