The members of the Athletic Statutes Reform Commission have warned today of the danger that the club runs in the event that the Assembly on May 23 votes negatively on the new text. “We cannot let this train pass. Athletic needs to get on it, they are the Statutes of the 21st century. I give an example, if when the construction of the wonder of the countryside that we have here was proposed (the act took place in San Mamés) we had said no, we would have let the train pass. Athletic needs these Statutes to continue being a great club, according to the needs of current football. We have to try not to miss the train of the 21st century”, said the former president Ana Urquijoa member of this working group, in the presentation of the new regulations.
“Athletic is a special club, we compete as we want. If these Statutes are approved on May 23, Athletic will have a greater strength than it has at the moment”, he confirmed. Another Uriarte telematically for work reasons.
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“The current Statutes are from the 1990s. If they are not approved, it would leave us in a very bad situation, it would leave us weakened. Athletic would be affected institutionally. This project reinforces future Boards and partners”, they added.
It must be remembered that the Assembly has already knocked down a new norm on two previous occasions. “We would be in a kind of institutional crisis,” they have reiterated.