The Sportium Foundation promotes social inclusion through sport

More than 2,000 people benefited from the eight projects it promoted in 2023


The Sportium Foundation, a collaborating company of the next edition of the ISDE Sports Convention (ISC) congress, which will be held on June 7 in Madrid, has promoted equal opportunities for the most vulnerable and at risk of social exclusion and has promoted eight projects through sport from which more than 2,000 people have benefited in 2023.

Sportium Foundation is a non-profit entity whose mission is to promote the inclusion of people and groups at risk of social exclusion through sport by organizing or supporting different initiatives.

“Sportium Foundation was born from the desire to make sport an inclusive and accessible space for those people and groups that do not enjoy the opportunities they deserve, in addition to being a way to channel some of the CSR actions that were being carried out within the Group. CIRSA,” the president of the foundation and CEO of Sportium, Alberto Eljarrat, told the ISC communications office.

Under the title of ‘The management and training of women’s sports: challenges and opportunities’, Alberto Eljarrat will be the moderator of one of the round tables of the only international conference promoted by an academic institution, the ISDE, which will also address the ‘ boom’ of football in the Middle East and, among others, the phenomenon of contact sports after the world title of the Spanish-Georgian Ilia Topuria.

The Sportium Foundation seeks a “strategic approach” linked to sport as an “integrative vehicle” for groups at risk of exclusion and vulnerable or as a search for equal opportunities between people and groups.

“We are a brand that lives sports and we have always opened many avenues within this range of actions that respect the founding objectives. And the projects and collaborations that we have been doing have generated a great emotional return that motivates us to continue looking for new actions that have a positive impact on society,” admitted Eljarrat.

With agreements with the Spanish athletics and hockey federations, the ‘Fulanita de Tal’ Senior Women’s School, the Koeman Cup charity golf tournament by Fundación Sportium, Fundación Cruyff, Asociación Rodamunt, Fútbol Club Darna and the ISC, Fundación Sportium has supported vulnerable groups and has helped athletes like the former Spanish athlete of Nigerian origin Glory Alozie reintegrate into the workforce, who was going through a precarious situation after a glorious past and is now back in what was her home, Valencia.

Together with the RFEA, the Sportium Foundation, which has the walker Raquel González Campos, Best Spanish Athlete of 2022 for the RFEA, as ambassador, has supported the Ukrainian high jumper Andrii Protsenko and the young Nicaraguan walker Gabriel Alvarado, who has just broken a national record in force for 34 years in his country and seeks qualification for the Paris Olympic Games.

“The work of Raúl Chapado at the head of the RFEA and especially within the Solidarity Athletics project, in which we collaborate, is admirable. The RFEA helps us identify projects and makes a first filter because many requests arrive. Our only red line is that We do not directly do projects for minors,” highlighted the president of the Sportium Foundation.


The acronym ESG, corresponding to the English terms ‘Environmental’, ‘Social’ and ‘Governance’ – Environment, Social and Governance – are a non-negotiable part of the roadmap that large responsible and serious corporations set for themselves. As also happens to the Ibex 35 companies.

“Ethics in the management of people and resources is as important as economic results,” says Eljarrat. Committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Sportium Foundation, which promotes five of them health and well-being; quality education; gender equality; reduction of inequalities; and peace, justice and solid institutions – is committed to focusing on environments of marginality or vulnerability in supporting women.

Regarding his participation, for the third consecutive year in the ISC, Alberto Eljarrat highlights that there are forums for professionals, but for him in the ISC all that knowledge that is shared is done in an academic environment. “And in which the new generations participate who tomorrow will make decisions at the industrial, economic, business and political level of our country. Furthermore, the issues that are addressed will be on the agendas that will mark the future” , he pointed out.