The sponsors of the National Team mobilize against the Spanish ‘Metoo’ of the kiss of Rubiales

Waterfall of support for Jenni Hermoso for the unacceptable kiss of Luis Rubiales and his subsequent behavior, when he spoke of “false feminism” as “a scourge” of the country. A conduct disapproved by FIFA, which has decided to suspend Rubiales for a period of 90 days due to the procedure opened through the Disciplinary Commission. The sponsors of the women’s team begin to mobilize, a campaign that has been picked up by the Financial Times.

Iberia, Renfe and Iberdrola have taken a step forward and ask that “measures” be taken as a result of Rubiales’ conduct that guarantee respect for La Roja players. From Iberdrola, they consider that any attitude that “deviates” or goes “against” the equal rights and dignity of women “has no place in the world of sport or in society”, as they have declared to EFE.

Iberia supports “timely and pertinent measures” to preserve the rights of athletes. Renfe backs and supports “absolutely and forcefully” the actions of the Higher Sports Council.

supports in sport

Andrés Iniesta has assured that the suspended president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), Luis Rubiales, “has clung to his position” and that “he is damaging the image of our country and our football throughout the world”. The scorer of the goal that gave Spain the men’s World Cup in 2010 added: “After what has happened this week, I would like to convey my sadness, as a person, as a father of three daughters, as a husband and as a footballer, at the events that we are living in our football and around the Spanish women’s team”.

Paul Gasol, has also supported the player of the Selection: “With you Jenni Hermoso, for you and for all”.

The same as Casillas, who sentenced: “Other people’s shame”; and David de Gea, before the controversial intervention by Rubiales at the headquarters of the Spanish Football Federation, surrounded by the applause of the Assembly.