The Spanish Raúl García Pierna signs with Arkea for 2024

“This represents a great step forward, it will allow me to grow at a sporting level”, stressed the national time trial champion in 2021


The Spanish cyclist Raúl García Pierna, from Kern Pharma and Spanish champion in time trial in 2021, has reached an agreement to be a member of the French team Arkea in the 2024 season, said training said in a statement.

“I am very happy to join the Arkea-B&B Hotels formation in 2024. This represents a big step forward for me, because I will be joining a team that is evolving within the UCI WorldTour. It will allow me to grow at a sporting level, with a new competition calendar and I think that collectively we will achieve very good results”, declared the cyclist in the statement announcing his signing on Monday.

The Madrid cyclist, who finished fourth in the last U-23 World Cup time trial in Glasgow, has been the most outstanding result this year in the Vuelta a Castilla y León.

For his part, Emmanuel Hubert, the team’s general manager, stressed that he is a rider they have been following “for a long time” and that despite his youth he has already shown many qualities. “Raúl has shown great qualities in the time trial and also competes very well in the stage races, which makes him the complete rider that he is and a talent that still needs to be polished to give him even more shine,” he concluded.