The Spanish Nil Llop is proclaimed runner-up in the junior world in 500 meters


The Spanish skater Nil Llop has been proclaimed this Friday runner-up in the world in the junior category thanks to the silver won in the 500-meter test, in an event that is being held in the Austrian city of Innsbruck.

Llop, who was fighting until the last breath for the first step of the podium, stopped the clock at 36.28 seconds and was only surpassed by the Dutchman Joep Wennemars, who took the gold with a time of 36.04.

The Catalan skater thus gets rid of the disappointment of not attending the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, which are held in February, thanks to a historic silver as it is the first for a Spanish skater in the junior category of the ISU (International Federation of Skating).

This Saturday, January 29, Nil Llop will have a new opportunity to expand his record in the Junior World Championship starting at 11:42. The young skater will take part in the 1,000 meters in search of another great result.