The shocking image of Angela Dobrowolski at the trial for trying to murder her husband, Josep Maria Mainat

The trial of Angela Dobrowolski, accused of trying to murder her ex-husband, Josep Maria Mainat, began on Monday in Section 20 of the Barcelona Court. The trial will continue until Wednesday and, in this first session, The television producer has said that it is “very difficult for him to accept” what happened“If this court convicts her, it will be one of the saddest days of my life.”

Dobrowolski, who is accused of trying to kill him in 2020 with an insulin injection, has left a shocking image in the dock.

Angela Dobrowolski’s new image

The German, with whom the Catalan has children Jana and Joan Ramon, had her hair dyed fuchsia pink. She was transferred from Brians prison, where she has been held since Friday after attempting an escape with little chance of success from Wad-Ras prison.

The Mainat Declaration

In his statement, Rosa María Sardà’s ex-husband showed a compassionate attitude towards the accused, and even looked at her at the beginning of the hearing, just before he began to testify: “I want to think that he regretted it and tried to fix it, but I don’t know.”has said.

The producer has stated that on the night of the events he told a domestic worker, while he was being treated by the emergency services, that the accused had tried to end his life: “She wanted to kill me”Mainat said she was surprised that Dobrowolski insisted on giving her two more injections of a drug she regularly took in the early hours of the morning, when he had already given her two more the previous evening.

The prosecution accuses Dobrowolski of attempting to murder her ex-husband on the night of June 23, 2020, by injecting him with insulin that was contraindicated for his type of diabetes, on the pretext that it was a medication he regularly used, with the aim of causing hypoglycemia that would prove fatal. The prosecution is asking for 16 years in prison for her.

During his statement, Mainat also explained that the previous evening they had argued because he had told his then wife that he intended to divorce her, which would leave her out of the inheritance, to which she reacted by becoming “very upset”: “That made him feel very bad, he went into a state of panic”he assured.

In this regard, she has specified that about two weeks before the night in question she detected that the accused had forwarded to her account several of her personal emails that referred to the distribution of the inheritance, in which it was specified that in the event of a divorce she would be excluded from the will.

In the hours leading up to the alleged attempted murder, and after an afternoon of discussions in which she was “very, very upset” by the victim’s intention to divorce – although they had not lived together since January 2020 – Mainat explained that the accused finally “calmed down” and offered to give her the injections as she had done on other occasions.

Regarding how the slimming drug was administered, he said that it was done using a kind of pen containing a capsule, which can be refilled with other medications, and that his ex-wife injected him the afternoon before the alleged events.

When he “insisted” on giving me two more injections at around two in the morning, I saw “the two pencils with a capsule, but I couldn’t tell what was inside,” only that “the format – the pencil – was the one I normally used,” the victim said.

“I remember that she woke me up at around two in the morning, I was completely asleep, and she said: ‘I’m going to give you two more injections’. I replied: ‘no need, I’m resting’, and she said: ‘yes, yes, I’m going to give them to you’. What I remember is that a few hours later I was with an emergency nurse who was saying ‘wake up, wake up…'” she explained.

Alleged weight loss medicine

Specifically, according to the prosecution, Dobrowolski woke Mainat up under the pretext that he was going to inject him with a slimming drug that he had been using for some time, but instead gave him insulin.

According to the prosecution, Dobrowolski – who was studying her final year of medicine at the time – monitored her husband’s blood sugar level until she was sure that it would be “practically impossible” for him to recover, given the severity of the hypoglycemia she had caused, which made the situation apparently “irreversible.”

According to the prosecutor, the accused “did nothing to reverse her condition” until 3:00 a.m., when she called the emergency medical services in order to “cover up her behavior.”

Mainat was treated by emergency services and transferred to a hospital for severe hypoglycemia that left him unconscious or in a semi-conscious state for hours.

Once in the hospital, the producer explained that the doctors who treated him told him that “he had been in danger of dying” due to the severe hypoglycemia, from which he eventually recovered without any after-effects: “Thank goodness you were in good health,” the doctors told him.

Mainat admitted that he finds it “very difficult to accept” what happened, since he has been married for many years to the accused, with whom he has “wonderful” children: “If this court sentences her, it will be one of the saddest days of my life.”

Mainat’s son hired him private security

His eldest son, Pol Mainat, has also testified and explained that he provided private security for his father in the hospital where he was admitted after suffering severe hypoglycemia, to prevent Dobrowolski from approaching him.

Pol, the fruit of the relationship between Mainat and the missing Rosa Maria Sardà, has maintained that his father “had a security guard in the room” to protect him from the defendant.

“I provided security for my father to keep an eye on him,” said the son of the founder of La Trinca, who also added that the television producer’s second ex-wife had subjected his father to “psychological abuse” during the time they were together.

Pol Mainat also said that when Dobrowolski came to the hospital after his father had been transferred, he prevented him from seeing him.
