The 'Sherpa' Vicente Moreno

Although the seasons become a roller coaster of results, also of emotions, no longer exist in modern physical preparation those pointed saw teeth, with shaped peaks and the consequent valleys, which a team traversed in an induced way during the year. The demand of today's football forces us to always perform at the highest level. Even so, each coaching staff has its own booklet, and The one led by Vicente Moreno has as a rule to finish the competition at the top. Gasoline for this Espanyol that is already launched towards the ascent.

Espanyol Shield / Flag

“In all the teams we have been in, the physical state in the final part of the season has been very high, and I think we are in that situation again,” Moreno warned on March 31, just two weeks ago. “That is objective, what we can get to those last ten games in a very high form“, he signed. The scoreboards give the reason for now the physical trainer, Dani Pastor, with victories in the last five days, especially the one harvested last Sunday against an impetuous, brave, talented Leganés. And they also speak in favor of Moreno in his previous experiences in Second Division A and B.

Placing as a reference the eight final LaLiga matches , which are the ones that Espanyol has left ahead, the performance of their teams goes from an average of 1.72 points per game to 2.12. Or what is the same, get an average of 17 points from the last 24 in play. Translated to the current season, it would mean that The parakeet would finish with 87 points, an amount currently unattainable for Almería, third, so the promotion would be more than assured.

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Vicente Moreno hugs Dani Pastor, the physical trainer.

11 were the points that Moreno harvested in this period in his first experience, commanding the Xerez the 2011-12 season. Until 24 points, a full of victories, achieved with the Nàstic de Tarragona in 2013-14, which went down to 15 the following year, still in Second B, and they were 18 in 2015-16, already in the silver category of Spanish football. With the Mallorca, added 14 points both in Second B three seasons ago and in Second A two years ago.