The Seville Marathon runs out of 10,000 numbers more than three months after the start

There are only places left through tourist packages


According to the organizers report.

The test, which was not held in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will return as the ‘most Spanish’ in recent years, with 7,536 national runners, 73.65 percent. Of these, 2,696 will be from Seville, which indicates that one in four participants in the marathon will be from the organizing province.

The people of Madrid, with 1,033, and those of Cádiz, with 342, will be the two most represented provinces after Seville. All Spanish provinces will have participants in the 2022 Zurich Marathon of Seville.

On the other hand, 73 will be the countries that will have at least one participant in the 42 kilometers and 195 meters of Seville and those that will be the most represented will be the Portuguese, with 521 marathoners. The British, with 433, and the French, with 398, are the two countries that follow Portugal in this particular ranking that includes nations such as Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Brunei, Singapore or New Zealand.


One of the keys to the success of the Zurich Marathon is that it is considered to be ‘the flattest in Europe’, as well as being protected from the wind and at sea level, making it a great option for runners of any kind. profile to get the best brands.

“To this is added the capacity of Seville as a city of sports and the guarantee in the organization of large events”, as highlighted by the delegate of Ecological Transition and Sports of the Seville City Council, David Guevara.

The recently opened circuit includes only 33 curves, and brings the public closer to the runners, especially around the start and finish line, where up to six meeting points can be located within a radius of less than two kilometers. The tour also stands out for the beauty of the surroundings of the Seville of 29, Triana, the Torre del Oro, the Historic Round, the Arco de la Macarena, the Alameda de Hércules, the City Hall itself or the set of Cathedral, Archivo de Indias and Real Alcázar, and has located up to 22 entertainment points with music groups and performances that energize runners and the public.


Although the numbers for ordinary sale have already been exhausted, there are still two options to get a number for the Zurich Marathon of Seville. The first is to sign up for the waiting list that the organization has prepared in anticipation of possible casualties in the final registrants.

The second is to book one of the packages offered by Sportravel, the official travel agency of the event, in which you can access the number and accommodation at the official hotel, apart from being able to include tourist services in Seville.