The Senate approves the PSOE amendment to the Sports Law to unblock the lack of agreement in collective agreements


The Senate has approved this Tuesday the amendment presented by the socialist group to the new Sports Law to try to unblock the possible lack of agreement between the newly created professional leagues, such as the F League for women’s football, and the corresponding federation for the signing of the collective agreement.

In said amendment presented by the PSOE in the Lower House, a new wording of article 96.2 of the Sports Law is proposed, which, according to sources from the CSD told Europa Press, “guarantees the start-up and operation of the new professional leagues, improves the previous text and provides legal certainty”.

In the event that there was no new agreement at the time the current one was concluded, there was the possibility of extending it “automatically” for a maximum period of one year and, if the lack of agreement persisted, a system would be arbitrated in which Higher Sports Council (CSD) for the “attribution of powers indicated in this article, according to what, where appropriate, is established by regulation.”

The new wording includes that in cases where there is no coordination agreement between a “newly created” professional league and the corresponding Spanish sports federation, a system will be arbitrated in the CSD for the “resolution of those strictly necessary issues in which it must There should be coordination between the professional league and the corresponding Spanish Sports Federation to guarantee the start and development of the competition”.

The Lower House approved this socialist amendment, with 144 votes in favor and the abstention of the PP, which, among other things, would allow the signing of the collective agreement of the Professional Women’s Soccer League (LPFF), the so-called League F, currently without agreement with the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF).