The RFEF requests to appear in the procedure against the agreements of LaLiga with the CVC fund

The RFEF affirms that it shares the criteria of Athletic, Barça and Real Madrid


The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) requested this Thursday the Court of First Instance number 15 of Madrid to admit its appearance in the procedure initiated by Athletic Club, FC Barcelona and Real Madrid against the LaLiga agreements with the CVC investment fund to the annulment of said agreements and of the operation itself, as well as the three claimant clubs and that voted against the operation, according to the RFEF in a statement.

“The infractions of the Sports Law and Royal Decree-Law 5/2015 that the operation implies have led the RFEF to act in this way to protect its rights and those of non-professional clubs mainly; but also to prevent condition Spanish football for the next 50 years,” the agency said.

In said statement, the RFEF indicated that it shares the criteria of the three plaintiff clubs and maintains that it causes “incalculable damage to Spanish football, with only LaLiga, together with the CVC fund, benefiting from this agreement.”

“The Federation understands that the LNFP has taken advantage of the moment of economic weakness of the clubs in the current scenario and that it exceeds its powers with audiovisual rights. It is once again made clear that the agreement between the LNFP and CVC increases the inequality and makes an evolution of the format of the professional football competition in Spain impossible in a capital and definitive way”, concluded the RFEF.