The return of Noticias Cuatro: new year, new news programs with Diego Losada and Alba Lago

Movement of chips in Cuatro, which recovers its news. And it does so in three editions: at noon, at night and on the weekend. This dance of presenters is preceded by the changes in Telecinco, after the retirement of the historic Pedro Piqueras and the arrival of Carlos Franganillo. Diego Losada, Alba Lago and Mónica Sanz are the names that are on the table to take charge of Noticias Cuatro. It is published by El Confidencial Digital.

The year starts for Mediaset with a movement of chips in Cuatro, which recovers its News brand. Diego Losada, who said goodbye to his program En boca de todos, is in charge of the news, a job that he already carried out in his career on TVE. Alba Lago will sit next to Losada on the set, after having said goodbye to his partner Pedro Piqueras. Mónica Sanz, from Cuatro al Día, also returns to current news. They repeat the journalists Roberto Arce and Marta Reyero, who return to the weekend, a destination they already occupied before the closure of Noticias Cuatro.

These changes are preceded by the movements that have occurred in Telecinco, as we have published. In addition to the landing in Franganillo, David Cantero is scheduled to spend the weekend with Letizia Iglesias and José Ribagorda. Just a few days ago Cantero and Isabel Jiménez separated their professional paths after 13 years together on set.