The reason why Ramos and Pilar Rubio are tightening the rope and have not yet announced their “end and end”

In certain circles the separation of Sergio Ramos y Pilar Rubio. Since the presenter did not attend the Latin Grammys held in Seville with him, rumors about a possible crisis have grown like wildfire. The fact that, once again, she was not at her mother-in-law's birthday party and that they recently saw the man from Camas at a party without her, has only increased the hypotheses.

This being the case, there are those who already set a date for the separation announcement: “They could put an end to it when Christmas is over”they assured this weekend in Socialite. “It will be when the holidays are over, they want to spend these dates with their families and children”explain.

In this sense, a person close to the Sevilla player and the collaborator of The Anthill noted: “If Sergio and Pilar make the decision to separate, It will be when the holidays are over. They want to spend these days with family and their children.. It is evident that during the last few months they have become more distant and each one goes about their lives. Yes indeed, They will spend Christmas together and then decide the future of their relationship“.

The life and stability of both has changed in recent years due to the central team changes. He left Real Madrid in the summer of 2021 to head to PSG, which is why both of them, along with his four children (Sergio, Marco, Alejandro and Máximo Adriano), moved to Paris. For this season they have experienced another change, that of the defender's return to Sevilla, the team in which he began to become the footballer that he is today. However, it is well known that Rubio does not feel special devotion to the capital of Seville. She herself has confessed it on some occasions. The last one was last April, when Ramos traveled alone to enjoy the Fair with her friends and family while she stayed in Madrid visiting museums: “I'm more into the Book Fair,” she told reporters. . In September of this year, during the player's presentation by his new club, Pilar's serious face already gave a lot to talk about.

On social networks, shortly before the Latin Grammy gala, they tried to show naturalness and unity with their children: “Our Marquito has turned 8 years old. We are very proud of you. To see you grow, laugh and learn. And that you always be unique, with that tenderness that life gives us. Congratulations, son! We love you madly!”, they both wrote about a month ago on the occasion of this special date for the family.