Alba Carillo has sat on the Deluxe this Saturday to answer all questions about your affair con Jorge Perez. In most of Conchita’s polygraph questions, she told the “truth”, but there was one “lie” that drew special attention.
Also read: Emma García begs Alba Carrillo for empathy after her scandal with Jorge Pérez: “It’s not funny”
“Have you had complete sexual relations with Jorge Pérez?” he asked Maria Patino. “No,” Feliciano López’s ex said emphatically. “He lies,” added the polygrapher. To the surprise of everyone on the set, Carrillo wanted to clarify.
“I already lied for Jorge and now I lie again. It is a very private thing, and, in addition, they have already threatened me with the issue of intimacy. But you are adults and you fully understand what complete sexual relations are,” Alba then explained. admitting that he is afraid of legal consequences.

It should be remembered that a few days ago, from the environment of the former civil guard and his wife, Alicia Peña, already assured that the marriage he was considering suing both Alba and Marta López for giving details of what supposedly happened that controversial night of partying on television.
However, the daughter of Lucia Pariente was not shy when it came to saying that the fooling around between Jorge and her had been going on for some time: “He told me that he would not have married his wife if he had met me before.” In addition, according to the interviewee, they planned to “catch a van” and leave together, leaving Alicia with her youngest son, while they left with Jorge’s three eldest sons and Alba’s son.
Other questions from the ‘polideluxe’ to Alba Carrillo
– “Since it was announced that you were going to become a ‘polideluxe’, have you received threats from Jorge Pérez or his entourage?”, “Yes, right.”
– “Have you agreed with Marta López to sink Jorge Pérez?”, “No, right.”
– “Would you like Jorge to separate from his wife Alicia?”, “No, right.”
– “Did Marta López encourage you to have sexual relations with Jorge even though he was married?”, “No, right.”
– “Would you have liked to get pregnant by Jorge in your intimate encounter?”, “No, right.”
– “After your intimate encounter, did Jorge suggest that you go to Paris together?”, “Yes, right.”
– “Did you see regret in Jorge Pérez for being unfaithful to his wife?”, “No, right.”