No one imagined the nightmare they would have to live Anabel Pantoja y David Rodríguez Just a couple of months after the birth of the little girl Almawho came to the world last November. After the long hospital admission of his daughter, the soy and the physiotherapist are being investigated for an alleged crime of child abuse.
In the midst of this media hurricane, Anabel Pantoja’s boyfriend has been forced to leave Gran Canaria to set up to Córdoba, his hometown, as they revealed this Saturday since Saturday Fiesta. As detailed in the aforementioned space, this transfer of the physiotherapist is due to the fact that their paternity decline has ended. “You have to go back to work, that’s why she returns to Córdoba“They said.
Also, throughout the afternoon of this Saturday, family and friends of both reached their home, in what seemed to be an organized meeting to fire David.
Hours later, Anabel published a video on her Instagram profile, where you can see both surrounded by their loved ones. “In the waiting room we all dreamed of this. Here many more are missing. I can only thank you for always being there“The tonadillera’s niece wrote.