If it was easy, Bale would have been out by now. But is not. The high salary he charges, at least 15 million net, prevents the operation from being feasible. The player is not to blame for the fact that Madrid bet heavily on him and no one can blame him for not wanting to renounce that contract. when he feels the object of so much injury (by the Press, colleagues and the club). Madrid is not to blame for encountering a useless player who He is the highest earner of the squad together with Ramos and with two more years on his contract.
Now actually it only matters what is being done to try to get it out. He Madrid does not want to give up collecting a transfer, although it is obvious that When the time comes, he would let him out for free to save the more than 60 million euros that he must pay him in the two years remaining on his contract. Furthermore, and this is a non-disposable option (the one that will probably end up being produced), it will not be a bad deal for the entity to pay you one year of the two remaining on the contract to leave (Madrid would continue to save 30 million euros).
From the club they recognize that it will not be easy to get rid of Bale but they hope to get out this summer. The player has already admitted that he is only waiting for an opportunity to come because, “at 31 years old”, he wants to “keep playing”. Yes it is strange that Bale said in his last statements that he has tried to leave several times and Madrid has put up obstacles. In the last one, the Jiangsu Suning was denied the march. It did not pay transfer. It was last summer. By letting him go free, Madrid would have saved 90 million euros. Was it a mistake to retain it?

It may be that when speaking in the plural, Bale was referring to a possibility of leaving earlier, in the summer of 2016, when Mourinho's United was willing to throw the house out the window. Remember? “If you don't speak, I can't buy you”, The coach even told the player in a changing room tunnel. At the time, the market was inflated and United would have paid a transfer well over 100 million euros. A mistake? Who would have imagined that Bale's career at Madrid would end like this. But that is the reality of your case.