“The Queen joins me in wishing you a full recovery.”

“Shocked by the terrible attack”are the first words of the King Philip VI following the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on Sunday morning. The monarch has sent a letter, under the emblem of the Royal House, to the former president of the United States to show his support and that of Queen Letizia at this delicate moment given the ‘close’ diplomatic relationship they maintain.

“I would like to convey to you, along with the Queen, our solidarity and relief at knowing that your injuries are not serious. I also want to express to all the beloved people of the United States of America My strongest condemnation of any act of violence“a, even more so when it is directed against the values ​​of democracy,” wrote Princess Leonor’s father under the signature of His Majesty the King of Spain.

He also wanted to highlight the Queen’s shock by saying that Letizia “also joins me, Mr. President, to We wish you and the injured a full recovery, and we send our condolences to the family of the deceased.”. As a farewell, he said: “I take this opportunity to convey to you the testimony of my highest consideration and personal esteem.”

The message of Spanish politics

Despite showing his opposition to the democratic ideas of the former US president and attacking his executive management on numerous occasions, Pedro Sanchez has conveyed his “strongest” condemnation of the attack suffered by Melania Trump’s husband: “I want to convey my strongest condemnation of the attack suffered by Donald Trump during a rally in Pennsylvania. Violence and hatred have no place in a democracy,” Sánchez said this Sunday in a post on X.

The executive’s message adds to that of the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascalwho, in keeping with Trump’s ideals, has condemned the attack, attacking the “globalist left” that, as he believes, encourages this type of violent behaviour. Furthermore, he has launched a harsh attack on Sánchez, regretting that “this left” prevails in the Spanish Government: “Thank God Donald Trump has survived the assassination attempt”Abascal has expressed, while urging to “stop the globalist left that is sowing hatred, ruin and war.”
