The princess receives the distinguished student badge

First day of the daughter of Felipe VI and Letizia at the Naval Military School of Marín. Just a few hours ago, Leonor made her solo entrance into the Pontevedra centre wearing the stripes of a First Class midshipman, with the uniform of the Navy of special relevance of modality B. The heiress was received by the director commander, Pedro Cardona, and the heads of service. Afterwards she signed the book of honour and met with the brigade commander Erik Muñoz, who will be her boss. The Royal Household has distributed images of her first day as a midshipman.

To begin with, she was awarded the badge for distinguished student, a distinction she received along with other classmates, as we have been informed by Casa Real. “It is a recognition that is awarded at the beginning of the course to students who have met certain requirements in the previous year, relating to the grades obtained, grade for instruction and training or absence of disciplinary offences, among other issues,” they tell us.

First trip to the sea at school

In the case of the Princess of Asturias, the proposal for distinguished student comes from the General Military Academy of Zaragoza, where she successfully completed the last academic year. In addition, we have seen Leonor in the inter-brigade sports competition, which on this occasion has won the Third, in which Her Highness is participating. Afterwards, she has made her first trip to sea in seamanship training.
