23 days have passed since the Juan Sebastián Elcano school ship left the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria with 76 Guardiamarinas on board, including its real highness the Princess of Asturias. The XCVII Instruction Cruise this Friday in Salvador de Bahía, Brazil, coinciding with Valentine’s Day, and the Royal House has shared images of Doña Leonor In full action. The daughter of Felipe VI and Letiziawhich faces its second year of military training at the Naval School of Marín, is radiant. Dressed in her white uniform, poses for the camera and smiles while showing a couple of brands that has left this unique experience.

These are two small bruises, one on the left cheek and another in the internal part of the right arm, which account for the delivery of the heiress in their work as a guide. His instructors already said it: life on the ship is very hard. Leonor is thoroughly used in everything he does and his military training, key in his role as future queen of Spain, was not going to be less. She is a brilliant, attentive, voluntary student, to whom we have been able to see up at the top of the mast next to the rest of her classmates picking up candle, duly assured with a protection harness and with a splendid smile.

This year, Juan Sebastián Elcano makes his scale in Salvador de Bahía, where the 400th anniversary of the recovery of Salvador de Bahía de los Dutles is commemorated by a combined fleet combined Hispanic Portuguese commanded by Admiral Don Fadrique Álvarez de Toledo. The cruise, which departed on January 11 of the Port of Cádiz and has already passed through Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, offers comprehensive formation to the shipped guards and makes visible the relations of Spain with the countries where it stops. Bahia is the only port of Brazil where Juan Sebastián Elcano will arrive. The 76 Guardiamarinas, among which is the Princess of Asturias, are accompanied by an endowment formed by 20 officers, 20 non -commissioned officers, 130 military of the sailor and troop scale and two civil masters.

The delegation will be received this Friday, February 14, in the Bay of All Saints (the second big one in the world), for a representation of the Spanish community, organized in the Council of Spanish Residents and the Spanish Club, as well as by a Representation of the Bahian society. Among the activities scheduled for all the guards in the next few days, the flag swear is highlighted on the ship (February 15), a tourist visit to the city of Salvador and a floral offering to the fallen of both armed forces. Also, a formal delivery act to the Marinha do Brazil by the Spanish Navy of the restored copy of the Savior de Bahía ‘site and company.

In addition, the History Seminar will be held entitled ‘Salvador de Bahía and its site and company of 1625’, organized by the Cultural Counseling of the Embassy of Spain in Brasilia with the collaboration of the Cervantes de Salvador Institute -one of the eight headquarters of the Institute In Brazil- and the Geographic and Historical Institute of Bay, one of the reference institutions in the research and preservation of the historical heritage of the city. The seminar will participate renowned Bahian and Spanish historians, and will attend a representation of officers of Juan Sebastián de Elcano. These initiatives are part of the program of events to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the recovery of Salvador de Bahía from the Hands of the Dutch, along with the temporary exhibition that will be organized in the Naval Museum of Madrid under the title ‘Salvador de Bahía 1625: Spain’s credit. ‘