The Premier League It is the first national league that has taken action on the matter with the armed conflict that is emerging in Ukraine since last Thursday. The English referees must sympathize with the players who show messages of support for the Ukrainian people and should not be cautioned with a yellow card, as established by the regulations.
According to information from ‘Daily Mail’the heads of the Premier League would have met with the arbitration groups to discuss this issue and would have strongly recommended not to sanction these celebrations, thus appealing to common sense at a time of extreme sensitivity.
Matty Cash, the origin of the dilemma
Aston Villa beat Brighton away (0-2) this weekend. Matty Cashthe right side of the villains, scored the first goal of the match and in celebration he took off his shirt showing a message of support for Tomas Kedzioraa teammate of his on the Polish national team who plays for Dynamo Kyiv and that he had been trapped in the country after the outbreak of the war.

Matty Cash in celebration of the goal against Brighton
In the message you could read: “Tomas Kedziora and family; stay strong my brother”.
A celebration that cost Cash a yellow card from the referee, John Brooks, that with the regulation in hand, had to sanction the action. Now, with this appeal from the English league, we will see if a similar situation occurs again this weekend and what measures the Premier referees decide to adopt.
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