Esther Dona (45) has not come out of shock since she found out that her ex-boyfriend and ex-fiancé, Santiago Pedraz (64), he is going to have a child with Elena Hormigos (36), the lawyer 28 years younger who stole his heart just six months after their breakup.
The journalist has spoken with the widow of the Marquis de Griñón Nacho Gayas told in Public mirror: “I have spoken with Esther Doña, who was in shock. In five months he will be a father with another woman…”, he declared.
Susanna Grisowhat is friend of the magistrate, pointed out that it is news that makes future parents very happy: “It is a joy and well received by both parties.” In the same direction he opined Carmen Lomana: “Someone has told me that this girlfriend he has now is quiet, calm and gives him peace.” “I have eaten with them, she does not like the media, she does not want to appear in magazines and she does not seek publicity,” said the presenter of the Antena 3 program.
Also read: Esther Doña’s drama seven months after breaking up with Judge Pedraz: “I will get over it with psychologists”
Hormigos is a separated woman without children, but for her boyfriend, however, it will be the fourth. Pedraz already has three other children from two previous relationships. “He was not in the pools but he is a very desired baby. He has arrived earlier than they calculated. It has been a much faster thing than they thought but they are delighted. The respective families already know the news. (…) No they were looking for it but not preventing it either”, revealed Beatriz Cortázar in the program Federico Jimenez Losantos.

The news of this baby returns the judge to the front line of the world of the heart, to which he jumped in 2021 due to his romance with Doña. Last summer, they announced their wedding exclusively and a few days later their breakup, with controversial messages that sparked a war between the two. “I get hives. I don’t know if one day I’ll get over it or I’ll have to go to the psychologist to get over it,” confessed just a few days ago Esther Doña.