The poker face of Belén Esteban when she is named in the Jesulín interview: “I don’t care exactly the same”

bethlehem esteban it is that trill because Jesulin de Ubrique is going to be the character with which the new season of the program will start in Mediaset Bertin Osborne your house is mine. Although he hides indifference to the broadcast, it is known that he has shown his anger at this signing by the chain. His face says the opposite of his mouth when she asks him about this “betrayal” of Tele 5: “I don’t care exactly the same.”

“I’m not going to answer you, because I know where you’re going.” This is how he responded when he was asked for advice for “newcomers who go to programs where they have to cook”, in a clear allusion to the Bertín Osborne space in which the father of Andreita.

Read alsoTelecinco humiliates Belén Esteban: great anger because Bertín interviews Jesulín (for a fortune)

The princess of the town already knew for a long time that the chain was negotiating with Jesulín, and that the recording was closed and the astronomical amount that the former bullfighter has charged for appearing cooking with Bertín. She needs her, because she is no longer in the arena, and her family has increased, so returning to the public arena solves her liquidity.

The people’s princess has fought in offices for this grievance, but given the evidence, she has had no choice but to hide and ensure that she did not care too much about the upcoming appearance of her archenemy’s husband, Maria Jose Campanario in a network program in which she is a star, but she does not convince anyone: “I don’t care exactly the same. I only care about what is mine.”

He has resigned himself so much that he even jokes about the kitchen skills of his daughter’s father, of whom he assumes that he is well advised when it comes to putting himself in front of the stove, and in front of the cameras if he does not need to. “What’s wrong with Bertín?”, He asked with a false face of surprise and, given the answer he knew perfectly well, he avoided commenting on what his face reflects: “I’m glad. Everything that’s for the best, I’m glad”.

And it is that everything has come together for Belén in a week: she finds out that her chain is going to give a leading role to the father of her daughter, the 14th anniversary of the program of which she is a collaborator is celebrated, Save mewith a special memory for her friend, the deceased Mila Ximenez16 years have passed since the death of his father and one year since his fall, from which he continues to recover.

However, he insists that he is now in a “super-happy” moment after overcoming the fracture, that he wants to try to lose weight again, and that in a month he will put his gazpachos back on the market: “I have made a new one; I am not telling you which one but you’re going to freak out… and life goes on,” he says, forcing a gesture.