“Democracy is what Cuba needs” is one of the most repeated phrases this last week, with the iconographic island of the Cold War in full swing as it had not been seen for many years. Amid so much bewilderment, A club from Espanyol is witness to these social squabbles and the madness of following a club like the parakeet 7,600 kilometers away and without having a family link with the blue and white colors. This is the story and reflections of Eduardo Grenier, sports journalist and, at the same time, the representative of the Pericos de Cuba.
“We have lived a few tense days with clashes between people allied to the government and others against it. There have been demonstrations and fights since last Sunday.. This has triggered a very sad situation, a division among Cubans. We don't want to have an opinion, we love Espanyol, we suffer what happens and at times we don't have internet access. We put a tweet and we thank all the parrots for their concern about our situation, “it starts.
Apart from the uncomfortable current situation, Eduardo follows the news of Espanyol from a distance after on March 13, 2020, just when the state of alarm was decreed in Spain due to COVID-19, the Peña de Cuba after a “long process”. Since then, the WhatsApp group has done nothing but smoke. But the penance of the Second has also reduced the monitoring of the meetings.

“We could not see the games last year. On public television they only broadcast Madrid and Barcelona, there is nothing from Second. Being in First there are options, but it is not safe to see everything. We follow it on the radio through the stations, but it is tortuous, complicated. It is very difficult, but it is the alternative. At the time of the game we connect to whatsaap. There are peñistas in Spain who put us goals, and we thank them. We live them this way, hopefully we all live it in a bar or in the stadium “, commented Eduardo, who took the step of founding this club because of his sympathy with Espanyol and found that” there were more followers, especially Spaniards who had married. with Cubans and they resided here. “

Eduardo remains with the European classification of 2019 and with the Melendazo, a “very exciting” moment, but above all he lives with enthusiasm the next season, and there he has no doubts. “Puado and Melamed are the future of Espanyol”. While capturing the impulse of the country and living the cyclothymic trajectory of Espanyol, Eduardo is also a sports journalist, specializing in swimming, athletics, judo, Olympic shooting and archery. Like Espanyol, Cuba also boasts a glorious past.
“We have regressed, we were a power in Barcelona 92, we finished fifth in the medal table. Now the challenge is to be among the top 20. We only have 11 million inhabitants, if we succeed it is still a feat”, He commented from Havana, a city also perica, and right now one of the epicenters of information.