The women’s coach applauds the authority with which his team resolved the game against Arsenal

Jonatan Giráldez, FC Barcelona women’s coach
The women’s Barça coach Jonatan Giráldez It was not intended to give an exhibition to the English or to give a coup of authority. “Our intention was to come to the Emirates Stadium and not think so much about qualifying. We knew that many results classified us as first in the group ”. In any case, he admitted that the Barça team’s performance had been “excellent”, both defensively and offensively. “We have played football very well, we have created many occasions,” he commented, underlining that they had given his rival a chance and at the end of the game. He remarked that he thought that the English would propose “a more advanced pressure. The last minute loss of Patri Guijarro when testing positive for Covid was corrected “adding more verticality at the top. Graham Hansen applauded the return after five weeks of absence. “Caroline has gotten into a very controlled situation. His feelings have been very good. She is an important player. I am very happy with his return to the team ”, he added.
Jenni Hermoso signed a double, to which she gave a capital importance. “Goals are part of the team’s work, as long as they keep playing and scoring, hopefully the streak continues.” And he congratulated himself for having achieved it in a stadium like the Emirates. “Scoring here is something else that I keep for my career. The feeling is of happiness “
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