The ‘Papu’ Gómez suffers from a condition of the deltoid ligament of the left ankle


The Argentine midfielder from Sevilla Alejandro ‘Papu’ Gómez suffers from a deltoid ligament condition in his left ankle, an ailment that occurred during the last World Cup in Qatar, and which will keep him out at the start of 2023.

As indicated by the Sevilla team, ‘Papu’ returned from the World Cup with these joint discomforts that prevented him from participating more except in his debut and in the round of 16, and he underwent an MRI on Tuesday that revealed this injury.

“This ailment, which prevented him from playing in the last leg of the World Cup, is progressing favourably, so if there are no changes, in the coming days the player will make progress in field work,” Sevilla pointed out, without offering a Estimated downtime period.