The pain of the adolescent children of Dani Alves after the arrest of their father: “It seems like a nightmare”

“A nightmare”, is how he defines Dinorah Santanathe ex-wife and mother of the two children of Dani Alves, the whole situation in which the footballer is involved. Since this Friday, the Brazilian has been in pretrial detention without bail accused of raping a young woman in a discotheque in Barcelona.

Also read: Dani Alves, “destroyed” and without appetite after his first night in prison: “He did not expect it”

“Dani would never do this. I’m telling you because I’ve known him for 22 years and I’ve been married to him for 10. It seems to me that it’s a nightmare and that it’s not happening,” said Dinorah, who is also her agent, in Fiesta this Sunday.

The woman regrets, above all, the state in which her children are, Daniel y Victoriabecause they are already of an age to find out everything: “It is a shock for my children, who are teenagers and are having a very bad time.”

Santana and Alves got married in 2008 after several years of dating. The love broke up in 2011 and they decided to divorce. However, they have maintained an excellent relationship after their separation and that is why she is still in charge of managing the athlete’s fortune. Dani redid her sentimental life with the help of the Canarian model Joana Sanzwhom he married in 2017.

From the cell, the former culé expressly asked his lawyer to call Dinorah: “He told his lawyer to call me to solve the most urgent things. The lawyer says that she can’t tell anything. She told me that she is working on the case. And that she needs to work to help him, that he can’t be taking care of everyone. Only she has been able to see it”.