The other side of Aitana: they discover her second Instagram account with her most personal photos

When Aitana Ocaña entered into Triumph operation He said that his artistic interests went beyond music. The singer likes other disciplines, such as drawing or photography. In fact, she dedicates a secondary Instagram account to the latter, an alternative profile that in less than a week already exceeds 10,000 followers.

The 24-year-old singer opened a new profile on the social network a few days ago where she publishes black and white photographs that she captures with her professional camera. She tells it, that is called Fromelectricbluespacecurrently has seven photographs.

The Catalan artist has been publishing content on this profile since last weekend. “Hello, my name is Aitana and I like taking photos of my trips”, reads in a biography. And, as the young woman notes, the images range from landscapes to portraits – her father appears in a few snapshots – that she took in Mexico.

The creator of alpha She is immersed in her tour, So you could take advantage of the opportunity to go from one place to another to practice taking professional photographs. At the moment, users are already applauding his skill behind the lens.

In your main account, Aitana has more than three million followers. This profile is the one he has used since he left the Academy of Triumph operationand where he usually publishes all the news from his professional side.