The other meeting of the infanta Cristina and Urdangarin in Jaca: “two hours” in a bar go a long way

The infant Christina e Iñaki Urdangarin coincided last Sunday at the funeral of Eduardo Roldan, former director of the Candanchú (Huesca) ski resort and reference ski teacher for members of the royal family. Upon leaving the Cathedral of Jaca, the former Duke and Duchess of Palma maintained a serious, cold, distant and stoic image. Now more details of the meeting have emerged.

read also: Iñaki Urdangarin, relegated to the background in his new meeting with the infanta Cristina after Bidart

The sister of Felipe VI and the former handball player also shared time and space at the Rincón de la Catedral, a restaurant in the city of Huesca. “They arrived at the premises around 6:30. They drank beer and Coca-Cola at the bar, they did not sit down at any time,” a witness tells the magazine. Week this Tuesday, explaining that they were with more companions.

“There were many curious people who wanted to see what they did and how they behaved. They were inside the premises for about two hours. They were not alone, there were other people with them, among others, the Infanta Elena,” says the same source. At this time, at least, there were no bad faces: “They spoke both among themselves and with people there. They were very friendly at all times. They were together and chatted without problem and without apparent tension.”

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They also attended the mass by Roldán Miguel and Pablo, sons of Cristina and Urdangarin. At the exit of the cathedral, they were talking with their parents. The former dukes, a meter away, maintained a serious, cold, distant and stoic image. For a few seconds, the former handball player kept his sunglasses on to hide his gaze. The presence of his children helped to hold his own in front of the press cameras.

The meeting between Cristina and Iñaki, the second after seeing Bidart in August, took place weeks after the famous photographs of Urdangarin, broken down in tears, in a car. He was accompanied by his girlfriend, Ainhoa ​​Armentia. In recent weeks, Cristina has also been in the United States, at the weddings of two of Iñaki’s nephews. The daughter of Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía continues to maintain a splendid relationship with her in-laws. Urdangarin did not attend these celebrations as he did not obtain the permit that would allow him to go down to the US.
