The Obama and Spielberg couples turn Barcelona upside down: 25 bodyguards, 30 vehicles and several underground units for sightseeing

They landed last Thursday in Barcelona as the VIP guests of Bruce Springsteen, which this Friday starts its world tour at the Olympic Stadium in Montjuic. and although the reunion led to a dinner that lasted until dawnlos Obama and the Spielberg They have gotten up early to make the most of 24 hours in the city.

Your sightseeing tour has started in Moco Museum, whose managers closed the doors to the public an hour before the arrival of the distinguished guests. Barack and Michelle Obama along with Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw were guarded and protected by an unprecedented security device: 25 bodyguards, 30 vehicles, dogs, underground units and Mossos blocking streets. After 60 minutes inside the contemporary art museum, which opened just two years ago, they have left the area.

Also read: Springsteen brings Spielberg, the Obamas and… Pedro Sánchez together in Barcelona?

The second stop has taken place in the sacred Family, a place previously cordoned off by the Mossos to guarantee the privacy and security of the four. After 30 minutes in Gaudí’s temple, they went to Montjuicwhere they have eaten at the Martínez restaurant, specialized in rice dishes and with spectacular views of the city.

In the early afternoon they have returned to their hotel to rest before the great musical event at the Olympic Stadium. Bruce Springsteen kicks off his world tour this Friday in Barcelona after six years away from the stage. The tickets sold out so quickly that the Boss team added one more appointment in Barcelona, ​​on Sunday the 30th. However, the most special night for the 73-year-old rocker is the first and his great friends did not want to miss it .