The note that doctors have left Vrsaljko after his operation

The Croatian defender of Atlético de Madrid woke up after the intervention with a message on his bandage

Sime Vrsaljko during a training session for Atlético de Madrid.

Sime Vrsaljko during a training session for Atlético de Madrid.


The Atlético de Madrid reported this Friday that the operation of Vrsaljko it had been a success. The mattress defender had to intervene for a fracture of the right zygomatic arch. At the moment and according to the medical report, there is no return date. “It is pending evolution.”

This Saturday the very Sime Vrsaljko Through his Instagram account, he shared an image of himself after the post-operative period. A photograph in which more than one has been surprised by the note that the doctors have left on the bandage itself: “Do not support. Something common in this type of operation.

Vrsaljko posed on his social networks with this bandage after the intervention

Vrsaljko posed on his social networks with this bandage after the intervention


The Croatian footballer from Atlético de Madrid fractured his jaw last Tuesday at the meeting of the Champions League against him Porto. Despite being injured, the defender finished the game.

More information about Vrsaljko

The Madrid derby

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