The NFL sanctions Calvin Ridley (Falcons) without playing next season for gambling


The American Football League of the United States (NFL) announced Monday that it has sanctioned Calvin Ridley, wide receiver for the Atlanta Falcons, without playing at least the 2022 season for placing bets on championship games during the past campaign.

The NFL pointed out that these bets were made during a period of five days in November 2021, coinciding with his absence from his team’s games, and clarified that in his investigation he found no indication that he had used privileged information, that any of the games in which he bet was “compromised in some way” or that anyone else in the locker room knew of these actions.

“For decades, betting on NFL games has been considered one of the most serious violations of league policy, deserving of the most substantial penalty. In your case, I am aware and commend you for quickly reporting it in an interview. and admit your actions,” league commissioner Roger Goodell said in a letter to the player who initially couldn’t play again until February 2023.