“The news about me is speculative slander”

The conflict that has been going on for years between Gareth Bale and the currents of information pointing to a lack of professionalism in the Welsh player is reaching its peak.

So much so, that after the game in which the Madrid player scored a brace and cleared up all doubts regarding his fitness, the player himself wrote in writing that he published on his social networks in which he quoted two media outlets (Daily Mail and Marca) and expressed his opinion on the information that these have been throwing in recent years and, above all, in recent days where the conflict has intensified.

It is, without a doubt, his most relevant voice raising since he arrived at the Real Madrid and in which he has expressed his way of thinking under a clear message: “Athletes are not superheroes.”

Thus, he has addressed the information in the Spanish media cited as “slanderous” and “speculative”. Assuring that he “does not understand how there are journalists under the protection of these media after pouring out information of this type.”

The main crusade Gareth It is therefore the treatment of his situation in the media where, according to him, they have been cruel to his figure, leaving aside the possible damage to self-esteem and mental health that they can cause to him.

“Fortunately, I have developed a thick skin in this regard from all the years that I have been under the media magnifying glass, but that does not mean that this type of information damages my image or my mental health,” he assured. Bale.

Finally, the player Real Madrid He assured that he wanted to use his profiles on social networks to visualize this situation and show people “who the parasites really are.”

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