The new ‘kings’ of the dividend are Neinor and Metrovacesa with payments of 10%

Newly minted real estate developers in the Spanish market have confirmed, post-pandemic, that its leadership in terms of dividend yield is real. Neinor Homes has just announced two payments this week, the first in April charged to the results of 2021, and the second complementary in July, in addition to a reduction in share capital that will take place at the April Shareholders’ Meeting. Check here the calendar of the next dividends of the Spanish stock market

In total, in the next four months the promoter led by Borja García-Egotxeaga offers its shareholders a remuneration that will exceed a return of 10% totally in cash and at the head of the entire Continuous Market. Total, the firm will distribute 1,105 euros in cash per share to which another 0.16 euros are added as a reduction in share capital.

Metrovacesa has not confirmed what the amount of its next dividend will be, but it has acknowledged that, at a minimum, it will be higher than the 40 cents it gave its shareholders in May of last year. Last year, the promoter directed by Jorge Pérez de Leza paid a cash remuneration of 0.8 euros per share. If you simply repeat this number your dividend yield will be close to 13%, despite the fact that what is expected is that it will be somewhat higher given the generation of cash, of 176.5 million euros last year, above what was expected. They distributed 121 million via dividends, 68% of the total.

In the case of the third party, Aedas Homes, paid 1.4 euros per share last year. The company voluntarily decided to delay its fiscal year one quarter, so it will not present its annual results until next May 26, when it is expected a net result of 108 million euros, which represents a growth of 27%. Last year, its dividend amounted to 1.4 euros, which yields 6.1%, not counting repurchases.

The confirmed payment of Neinor

The promoter will allocate 100 million euros to shareholder remuneration until this summer, 50 million charged to the results of 2021 and another 50 million charged to “a record cash”, the company assured in the presentation of its annual accounts, ” that justify the decision to advance the payment corresponding to the results of 2022“. The promoter will pay 0.4846 euros gross per share next April, after the Shareholders’ Meeting to be held -on second call- on April 13. This first payment reaches a return of 4.25%. This The payment is the result of a dividend charged to the issue premium reserve of 0.04588 euros and, charged to other contributions from partners, the remaining 0.43872 euros.

At this amount, will add another 0.16 euros, as a result of a reduction in share capital. In total, 50 million euros that raise the payout slightly above 50%. He earned 109 million in 2021.

The second installment will take place in July, for 0.625 euros, the result of dividing the other 50 million of euros announced as advance payment for 2022.
