The new ‘hit’ by María Pombo and her husband Pablo for the soundtrack of their first documentary on Prime Video

There is nothing left for the new project Maria Pombo. On November 29, the influencer’s first docuseries will premiere on Prime Video. Of course, the precursor of the Pombo clan has revealed the most intimate details of the documentary on her social networks, in addition to releasing the preview of the song that will be the soundtrack that will give rhythm to her new project.

On her Instagram profile, the content creator for more than a decade has noted: “You and you. The soundtrack of our life. Thank you Ters for joining our project. I hope you listen to it in its entirety”.

And the thing is, the former partner of Álvaro Morata She has counted on a friend of hers dedicated to the world of music – the artist Ters – to compose and shape the song that tells her love story with her husband Pablo Castellano. Likewise, the influencer has been very involved in the process of creating the song so as not to miss any details and to reflect the values ​​that for her define her concept of life. Values ​​such as joy, unity or gratitude, which have been perfectly captured by the artist to reflect the background that María wanted to make known.

Pombo thus joins the trend of other influencers such as sweetness o Marta Diaz to present the production that will tell the story of his life and his loved ones. In addition, a few weeks ago, María presented the trailer for her new adventure to her more than 3 million followers: “I am María Pombo, I am dedicated to social networks and I am a girl with very strong values”. These are the words with which the trailer of what promises to be one of the most viewed documentaries on the payment platform in the last year begins.

In fact, in the trailer you can see the prominence that his two sisters, Marta and Lucía, will take on, which will reflect the family union they have and will narrate the most anecdotal stories of the family as a whole: “Laughter, tears, confessions and lots and lots of family. Because there are things that are sacred”, they say in the trailer. However, we will have to wait until next November 29 to find out what the day-to-day life of the Pombo clan is like and what their idyllic relationship with Pablo Castellano is like.