The 'new' Factory is looking for a place for Arbeloa as a technician

EI Real Madrid decided to close last week giving a new approach to The White Factory. Above and below. With Ramón Martínez leaving the daily life of the quarry in the hands of Manu Fernández, the son of the historic former Madrid manager for 21 years Manuel Fernández Trigo, who gives a jump that has raised many eyebrows in the house. Of Juvenil B (and his previous five years in which he made a name for himself as a modern and conscientious technician – he is also an engineer –) to take charge of a fundamental column in the club. Both economically and for the historical role in the club's idiosyncrasy. Below, there will be the traditional technicians dance, especially with the ex-players' debut: Álvaro Arbeloa is looking for a place for his first experience as a coach. They will try to find a bench but below Juvenil B. It will be in one of the Infantiles. He will start below the level at which Raúl started out as a coach, who made his debut in Cadet B, although the campaign ended with him directing Youth B.

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There is an important gap in this new organization chart for coaches. Dani Poyatos, star coach of Valdebebas and the helm of Juvenil A, has a foot and a half as coach of the Greek Panathinaikos. Madrid has been dropping the name of some other ex-soccer player with a great deal of influence among Real Madrid by the mentideros of Valdebebas to make him debut on that sweet bench, one step from Castilla and in command of a Youth player who plays the UEFA Youth League, the Champions for the U-19. Also, there are likely to be more coaches outings at The Factory …

At the moment, the transition in the dome that Ramón Martínez abandons is supervised by four hands between Juni Calafat (omnipresent in Valdebebas although his card continues to say Chief Scout) and José Ángel Sánchez, general director of the entity. Below is the operation that has been designing the next teams (fourteen signings have already been made). David Fernández, coordinator of national recruitment, will continue in his position but Manolo Diaz, Martinez's right hand in the offices, will not continue. For his part, Alfredo Merino, one of the activos recruiters ’for the most active youth squad and another of Martinez's strong names, is on the wing. With these movements, the figure of Ramón Martínez would be reduced to that of a director of José Ángel Sánchez and Juni Calafat …