Under the slogan #ChangeMyName, the internationals support the campaign launched by the Institute for Research and Social Development of Rare Diseases

New solidarity initiative of the Spanish women’s soccer team. under the motto of #ChangeMyName, the international ones have supported a campaign to publicize a reality that affects many people in our country. Hand in hand with INDEPF, the players Sheila Garcia, Patri Guijarro and Marta Cardona have joined the World Rare Disease Day, which is celebrated on February 28, 2022.
It is a blow on the table for our players to put their grain of sand again in important causes that go beyond football and competition.
INDEPF is a non-profit entity that strives to improve the quality of life and well-being of people who suffer from a Rare or Infrequent Disease and their families, as well as to achieve visibility and awareness of the reality of these diseases. .
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