The Nadal Foundation and Laureus collaborate in favor of children

The Rafa Nadal Foundation and Laureus Sport for Good have signed a collaboration agreement in order to join forces to benefit vulnerable children and youth. Specifically, the organization founded by Nelson Mandela will collaborate with the Rafa Nadal Foundation Center in Palma, financing part of the project and providing its extensive experience in the field of child protection and the use of sport as a vehicle to transform the lives of children and young people around the world. world.

With 10 years of experience, The Rafa Nadal Foundation focuses its work on the integration and personal and social development of children and youth, in Spain and India. For this, the entity of the Balearic tennis player thrives on the power that sports practice has as an empowerment tool and transmitter of learning.

“That an entity like Laureus Sport for Good, with extensive experience and recognition in this field at the international level, has opted to collaborate with the Rafa Nadal Foundation it is excellent news; for us as an organization, and for the hundreds of children and families that will benefit, ”he explains. Maria Francisca Perelló, Director of the Rafa Nadal Foundation.

Created in 2014, in Rafa Nadal Foundation Center in Palma The entity's reference project is carried out, with which more than 250 children and their families are served each year. It is a complementary program to school training, with activities framed both in the socio-educational, sports and psychotherapeutic fields.

Laureus Sport for Good was inspired by the words of its patron founder, Nelson Mandela, who said at the first Laureus Awards in 2000: “Sport has the power to change the world.” Laureus Sport for Good uses the power of sport as a powerful and efficient tool to help children and youth overcome violence, discrimination and disadvantage in their lives.

Currently collaborating with more than 200 programs in more than 40 countries, Laureus Sport for Good partners with organizations that use sport to contribute to areas of social focus aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals: health, education, women and girls, employability, inclusive society and peaceful society.

“Leaders like Rafa Nadal are a vital part of the Laureus Sport for Good mission of use sport to end violence, discrimination and disadvantage. This association with the Rafa Nadal Foundation is a fantastic opportunity to combine our knowledge and experience for the benefit of vulnerable youth. Collaboration between the organizations that work in the field of Sport for Development is crucial for the growth of the sector, and we hope to combine our international experience with the expertise of the Rafa Nadal Foundation through this exciting alliance “, explains Boris Becker, member of the Academy Laureus.