The mystery of the Haaland clause revealed

Watzke, CEO of Borussia Dortmund, confessed it on Amazon Prime

Haaland's future is anyone's guess


Martin rose

The big question of the transfer market is whether the famous termination clause of Haaland exists or not. A clause that would be between 75 and 90 million for which the Norwegian can leave Dortmund when this season ends.

Watzke, the CEO of Dortmund, has revealed that secret and has confessed that there is such a clause. “The question is: will you activate the clause or not? We will try not to wait until March or April to find out,” he said on Amazon Prime where he explained that “I think we will talk in the next few weeks. We are not the only ones who have control of this. We depend a bit on the signals that he and his representative send us. We do not have pressure to negotiate because we do not necessarily have to extend his contract. “

According to these words, the clause exists and in March or April, Haaland could activate it to leave Dortmund. The Real Madrid he is very attentive to everything that happens with the Norwegian as it is one of his objectives for next season. Although he is not the only one because half of Europe wants to sign Haaland.

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